Thursday, July 12, 2018

How to make your own pre-workout at home!

How to make your own pre-workout at home!

Pre-workout powders have been around for a long time now, and there is substantial research out there that is both pro and against using them. If we look at what's available, every company has their own opinion on what is effective, causing them to come up with all kinds of different formulations. However, they all seem to include some common tried-and-true ingredients.

Most of us will usually try a variety of different brands over the years trying to discover what works best for our bodies. I have personally tried several products and found out that they all have different effects on me. Some seem to work great, while others not so much.

Below we will explore on what the common ingredients are among some of the top brands, and how we can actually make our own pre-workout powder for a fraction of the cost, and just as good (or even better) than the over-the-counter products!!! How great is that!!!

Making your own pre-workout is not as hard as it may seem. It offers several advantages over pre-made products:

1.  Flexibility
      You are free to choose your ingredients. You can pick and choose what to include, and to the doses you want to meet your needs.

2.  Cost
     You determine how much you are willing to spend. 

3.  Taste
      You have complete control on what your pre-workout will taste like, or you can even make it taste like nothing at all!

4.  Form
     Even though you may choose to just create a powder that you can mix with your favorite drink, you also have the option of making your own capsules.

5.  No fillers
     You can omit unnecessary fillers that do nothing for you.

Are you ready to get started?


After reading many ingredient lists for some of the most popular pre-workout products out there, I have compiled a list of their common ingredients. Here is the list below with links to purchase these ingredients individually:

(Disclaimer: The information below will include affiliate links to purchase the individual ingredients from Bulk Supplements, a store that I use myself because of their commitment to providing high quality products at great prices.)

Creatine  is one of the most studied sports substances out there. It is produced in your body by amino acids, and its purpose is to help regenerate your body's main energy source, ATP. Taking creatine helps increase the production of ATP, which leads to more energy and short term endurance. It also helps rebuild muscles after an intense workout, and also aids in recovery. Get it here.

Beta alanine is a non-essential amino acid that helps raise carnosine concentrations in your muscles as much as 80% in 10 weeks. This can give you a nice short-to-medium term increase in endurance, allowing you to lift more during your routine. Beta-alanine is also responsible for giving you that tingling sensation after consuming a pre-workout powder. Get it here.

Taurine is yet another amino acid that has several benefits. Contrary to popular belief, taurine is not a stimulant. It helps metabolize fat and use it as an energy source during your workout, therefore aiding in fat loss. It also helps pull some water into the muscles, which helps in hydration and protein synthesis. Get it here.

L-arginine is also an amino acid that aids in the synthesis of nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator. As a result, we can experience increased blood flow to the muscle tissues, leading to a better pump at the gym. L-arginine has been known to cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea when taken in large doses, so we should be careful with the dosage. Get it here.

Similar to L-arginine, L-citruline aids in nitric oxide synthesis. The advantage of L-citruline over L-arginine is that it does not cause GI issues when taken in large doses. It has also been shown to be slightly more effective in increasing blood arginine levels. It is also important to note that the effect of taking both L-arginine and L-citruline together is greater than taking only one of the two by themselves. Get it here.

Tyrosine is a precursor to norepinephrine. Intense physical exercise can deplete norepinephrine levels in our bodies, leading to decreased performance. Supplementation with tyrosine can help maintain higher levels of norepinephrine, leading to better focus and endurance at the gym. Get it here.

BCAA stands for Branched-Chain Amino Acids, and contains 3 amino acids: Leucine, Isoleuvine, and Valine. These help promote protein synthesis and reduce protein breakdown,  which leads to less muscle damage from workouts and faster recovery times. A ratio of 2:1:1 is the ideal combination of BCAAs. Get it here.

Of course there are many more ingredients that can be used to create a custom pre-workout supplement, but these are the basic building blocks.

Another great benefit of making your own pre-workout recipe is the fact that you can add other ingredients to the list. If you want to add green tea extract for powerful antioxidants, you can do that! If you want to increase testosterone levels, longjack can help you get there! The sky is the limit! That is why I have been making my own pre-workout powder for over a year!

I hope you have found this information helpful! Good luck!